Founded in 2019

We’re so glad you’re here.

Learning to Rein is a community that started in late 2019 on Instagram. Our dream has always been to bring information to non-pros in a simple-to-understand way. This site is not meant to replace a trainer or compete with advice from established trainers.

This site will give you a glimpse into what we see and learn as entry-level, non-pro riders. Our goal is to write blogs in basic ways to help even the most novice can understand because what we know as non-pros is that we have to hear something from our trainers, learn it at home, practice it with friends, read about it, and then repeat. Progress isn’t linear, and hearing it about ten different ways will help us “get” that thing we just can’t “get.”

All riding is a long game and time in the saddle is what we all need as non-pros. This skill is invested in and perfected over time with patience and practice. We hope you enjoy the ride as we share our wins, losses, and what we learn.

Meet Our Content Creators

  • Jodi Oleen of Learning To Rein on Xtra Drink for the Doc

    Jodi Oleen on Xtra Drink for the Doc


    I’m longtime horse girl turned Reining and Ranch Riding fan. My partner Scotch aka #XtraDrinkForTheDoc is truly a star that makes riding and showing fun.

    I also have two kids that love showing as much as I do. Thankfully, my kids are interested in horses just like me so horses, lessons, chores and shows are a family affair.

    When I’m not balancing kids and horses I’m running Jodi Oleen Consulting, a digital marketing business specializing in social and digital media strategy. Learning To Rein started out as a “fun” place to share my love of social media and talented performance horses, but has since grown into more than I ever imagined.

  • Caroline Arendt on a Cutting Horse

    Caroline Arendt


    I’m a horse girl both on and offline. To pay the horse bills I own a full service social media marketing business catering to western and agriculture clientele. The past two years I really got serious about riding and bought a cow-bred horse and got involved ranch riding and cutting locally here in Arizona.

    My biggest riding achievement so far was placing in the Top 5 VRH Ranch Riding at the Arizona Fall Championship at our first major show. Since then I’ve absolutely fallen in love with the sport of cutting and if I could work cattle every day, and haul every weekend, I would.

    I hope to bring a little more “cow” on here, if you’ll let me. My 2023 goals include more hauling, learning and becoming a better rider for my horse.